Webinar event date: 
Jan 26, 2023 8:00 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 
Vicki Verge, MSW, RSW

Vicki Verge’s tenure as a Social Worker started in 1992 when she became employed with Winnipeg Child and Family Services after obtaining an Honours Bachelor of Social Work degree from Lakehead University. In 2004, she completed her Master of Social Work degree. Her thesis focused on the importance of the client-worker relationship in a child welfare setting. After achieving her MSW at the University of Manitoba, she left child welfare for a career in Health. At the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA), she worked as a Team Manager supervising diverse interdisciplinary teams including doctors, nurses, mental health practitioners, community development and home care professionals. From 2012 to 2021, Vicki was the Regional Director of Social Work for the WRHA.  She had the privilege of leading a diverse team of over 400 Social Workers in the Winnipeg Health Authority.  Vicki is currently an Instructor at the University of Manitoba in the Faculty of Social Work, Manager of Regulatory Practice for the Manitoba College of Social Workers and she provides supervision to private practice social workers though her Social Work Supervision Services business.   Her focus is on making a real difference for practitioners and service users. Vicki Verge has a strong interest in supporting Social Workers and promoting the profession.  She has obtained extensive continuing education credits from the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) for supervision for social work licensure.


Social workers in private practice experience unique challenges and rewards. Practicing often in isolation, private practitioners need to take exceptional considerations to ensure they are being accountable to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

We will explore Value 6 –where Social Workers have a responsibility to maintain professional proficiency, to continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills, and to apply new knowledge in practice commensurate with their level of professional education, skill and competency, seeking consultation and supervision as appropriate. What could that look like in private practice where there is no governing employer? What is a minimal competency and how do we increase our proficiency in this ever-changing society? How could you network and support your practice to ensure clients are receiving the highest quality of service? And why is this so important? What are some of the pitfalls and common complaints?

Awareness of the many requirements of private practice will assist social workers to establish supervision as part of their practice.