Margot Latimer, RN, PhD
Dalhousie School of Nursing
Margot is a Nurse Scientist and Professor in Dalhousie University's Faculty of Health, as well as Faculty at the Centre for Pediatric Pain Research, IWK Health Centre. She co-leads the CIHR funded Aboriginal Children’s Hurt and Healing (ACHH) Initiative with Eskasoni Health Director, Sharon Rudderham, working closely with community to mobilize Indigenous knowledge to support children's health and wellbeing. Dr. Latimer is the Indigenous health research co-lead of the Chronic Pain SPOR Network and co-chairs the Indigenous Health Research Advisory Committee. She is also a member of the Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) knowledge mobilization network.
Diane Obed, BSW, MA
Research and Curriculum Coordinator
Dalhousie Faculty of Health and Faculty of Health and the Schulich School of Law
Diane is an Inuk researcher originally from Hopedale, Nunatsiavut, in northern Labrador. She holds a Bachelor of Social Work and a Master of Arts in Atlantic Canada Studies from Saint Mary’s University; her thesis is titled: “Illiniavugut Nunami: Learning from the Land, Envisioning an Inuit-centred Educational Future in Nunatsiavut.” Prior to entering the Master’s program, she worked as an Aboriginal Student Support Worker with the Halifax Regional School Board for 3 years. Diane joined the ACHH Initiative team in 2018 as the Community Research Coordinator.
Cara McGonegal
Collaborator, Child Welfare League of Canada