Brown skinned hands type on a laptop with a phone next to the computer.
Webinar event date: 
Oct 14, 2022 6:00 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 

Michel Charbonneau is an expert on electronic claims submission in the health insurance sector. Since 2008, Michel has enhanced TELUS Health’s solutions, including the eClaims service, by building strong business relationships with governing colleges, associations and large clinic organizations that represent health professionals.


-      Introduce the newly-available and free direct billing service by TELUS Health for social workers.

-      Explain how you can reduce your clients' out-of-pocket expenses (as well as your credit card fees) and grow your practice by streamlining the insurance claim process.

-      Give you a live demonstration on submitting a claim with TELUS Health eClaims.

-      Answer any questions that you may have!

This webinar will show you how you can use TELUS Health eClaims to build client loyalty and grow your private practice by direct billing to insurance companies on behalf of your clients – for free. Don’t miss the live demonstration of how the claim submission process works, and how being eClaims-enabled can benefit both you and your clients.