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Bridging the Gap: Integrating Clinical Guidelines on Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults into Practice
Apr 18, 2024 11:00 am EDT

Emerging evidence shows that social factors - including social isolation, loneliness, and social vulnerability - are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality, comparable to established risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, and frailty (Freedman & Nicolle, 2020). In response to this growing societal challenge, The Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSHM) has launched the first-ever Canadian clinical guidelines for health care and social service professionals to support them in their vital professional roles working with older patients and clients. Dr. David Conn, Co-Chair of CCSMH, will be sharing highlights of the guidelines and encouraging the audience to reflect on and consider how they are already incorporating the recommendations into their practice and/or where there might be opportunities for change.

Equity in Permanency Placement
Apr 15, 2024 1:00 pm EDT

Research has shown, that not all children in care, who can no longer be cared for by their parents are given the same opportunity for kin placement.   Equity in permanency refers to principles of child protection practice that prioritise the exploration of family placements, without discrimination of any kind, to achieve optimal long-term outcomes for the child. The principles seek to empower child protection partners globally to have a child rights approach, and promote policies and protocols that ensure all family placement options are explored for any child. Furthermore, equity in permanency aims to access and connect with a child’s extended family both locally and overseas to provide the best opportunity for them to be raised with a strong sense of identity, belonging, roots and culture.

Value 6: Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality / Valeur 6: Préserver la vie privée et la confidentialité
Apr 11, 2024 1:00 pm EDT

Value 6: Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality

This webinar discusses the multiple components of a social worker’s responsibility to protect privacy and safeguard confidentiality of service users. The webinar discusses duties to protect privacy such as considering the values, customs, and beliefs of service users and respecting how they wish confidentiality to be applied within their cultural context, limiting the use of information obtained through the provision of services to only professional purposes, and being transparent with service users about the limits of confidentiality. The webinar looks at the privacy and confidentiality issues related to providing electronic social work services and communicating with service users through text or other electronic messaging methods.

Valeur 6 : Préserver la vie privée et la confidentialité

Ce webinaire aborde les divers aspects de la responsabilité de protéger la vie privée et la confidentialité des utilisateurs de services. Il examine les obligations à respecter à l’égard de la vie privée, incluant la prise en compte des valeurs, coutumes et croyances des utilisateurs. Le webinaire souligne l’importance de respecter la manière dont les utilisateurs souhaitent que la confidentialité soit gérée dans leur contexte culturel. Il met l’accent sur la limitation de l’utilisation des informations obtenues à des fins strictement professionnelles et sur la transparence envers les utilisateurs concernant les limites de cette confidentialité. Le webinaire explore également les enjeux de protection de la vie privée et de confidentialité liés à la prestation de services de travail social en ligne. Enfin, il aborde la communication avec les utilisateurs par le biais de textos ou d’autres méthodes de messagerie électronique, mettant en lumière les défis et les bonnes pratiques dans ce domaine.

Value 5: Preserving Integrity in Professional Practice / Valeur 5: Préserver l’intégrité dans la pratique professionnelle
Mar 28, 2024 1:00 pm EDT

Value 5: Preserving Integrity in Professional Practice

This webinar looks at the social worker’s obligations to maintain high standards of professional conduct. Professional integrity is founded on honesty, trustworthiness and the social worker being responsible, and accountable to service users and to colleagues. The webinar unpacks the components of professional integrity including maintaining professional boundaries, avoiding conflicts of interest, and seeking guidance and supervision to guide them through ethical decision making. The webinar addresses the expectations of private practitioners to employ ethical business practices.

Valeur 5 : Préserver l’intégrité dans la pratique professionnelle

Ce webinaire se penche sur les obligations des travailleuses et travailleurs sociaux en matière de conduite professionnelle. Il met l’accent sur l’intégrité professionnelle, fondée sur l’honnêteté, la fiabilité et la responsabilité envers les utilisateurs du service et les collègues. Le webinaire explore les divers aspects de l’intégrité professionnelle. Il aborde notamment le maintien des frontières professionnelles, la prévention des conflits d’intérêts, et la nécessité de chercher des conseils et de la supervision pour des décisions éthiques éclairées. En outre, le webinaire traite des attentes spécifiques pour les praticiens et praticiennes en secteur privé concernant l’emploi de pratiques commerciales éthiques.

Basic Income 101
Mar 27, 2024 1:00 pm EDT

BI 101 is an accessible introduction into the world of basic income and what its implementation could mean for youth across what is colonially known as Canada and beyond. Our series is designed to provide accessible insights and spark discussions on this important topic.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key concepts related to basic income, the history and context of basic income pilots in Canada, and the evidence from Manitoba and Ontario basic income experiments.
  • Explore the connections between basic income advocacy and core social work values. 
  • Consider the impacts of basic income in a variety of social work contexts.
Relationships Matter: Examining the pathways to supportive long-term relationships for youth ‘aging out’ of care
Mar 26, 2024 11:00 am EDT

Relationships Matter for Youth 'Aging Out' of Care is a collaborative photovoice project led by Dr. Melanie Doucet alongside eight former youth in care between the ages of 19 and 29 from the Greater Vancouver area. Using images captured by the young co-researchers and their accompanying captions, the project takes a closer look at meaningful supportive relationships in the lives of young people in and from care, and how those relationships can be developed and nurtured over time.

This webinar is intended to help professionals learn about and engage with:

  • The realities and challenges youth ‘aging out’ of care face, and the importance of supportive long-term relationships.
  • A Photovoice and Participatory Action Research (PAR) study.
  • Key relationship-related themes emerging from the photography.
  • Concrete recommendations for improving child welfare policies and practices.
Enhancing Social Work Practice Through Reflection and Creative Expression
Mar 25, 2024 11:30 am EDT

In this webinar, participants will be introduced to the theoretical model of experiential learning of which reflection is at its core. Reflection tools and creative activity ideas will be shared along with illustrations of how these activities have been successfully implemented with individuals and groups to help process and debrief learning with the simple questions of what? so what and now what? Some examples include feedback and evaluation, leadership, teambuilding and end of life reflection.

The Link Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Addiction
Mar 20, 2024 11:30 am EDT

The first few years of life are full of many important developmental milestones in terms of brain pathways, attachment, coping mechanisms and in general learning how to relate to others and to stress. Those who experience trauma in their early years often develop survival mechanisms that are less than helpful in adulthood. Childhood experiences are powerful determinants of who we become as adults. This virtual session will focus on the connection between Addiction and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). It will provide education on how to implement an ACES informed framework practice in health care. The session will provide an introduction to understanding the dynamics of which addiction has with individuals who have experienced adverse childhood events and trauma and how both are interconnected.  

Topics include:

  • Understanding the link between ACES, addiction and trauma
  • Understanding what Trauma Informed Care is
  • Recognize addiction and connection to trauma
  • How to support the individuals we work with in a safe and healthy framework
Value 4: Valuing Human Relationships / Valeur 4: Valoriser les relations humaines
Mar 18, 2024 1:00 pm EDT

Value 4: Valuing Human Relationships

This webinar provides a deeper look at the significance of the helping relationship in social work practice. The webinar discusses the importance that the helping relationship is grounded in respect, empathy, compassion and non judgement. The webinar promotes that the helping relationship is the conduit for supporting change for individuals, families, groups, and communities. The webinar discusses the importance of working in partnership with all service users and recognizes that relationships are complex, requiring an awareness of ‘self’ and the personal well-being of the social worker.

Valeur 4 : Valoriser les relations humaines

Ce webinaire fournit un aperçu détaillé de la relation d’aide en travail social. Il met en avant la nécessité que cette relation soit basée sur le respect, l’empathie, la compassion et la réserve. Le webinaire insiste sur le fait que la relation d’aide est cruciale pour favoriser le changement chez les individus, les familles, les groupes et les communautés. Il souligne également l’importance de travailler en partenariat avec tous les utilisateurs des services. Le webinaire reconnaît que ces relations sont complexes, nécessitant une prise de conscience et un souci du bien-être personnel de la travailleuse sociale ou du travailleur social.

Value 3: Pursuing Truth and Reconciliation / Valeur 3: Établir la vérité et la réconciliation
Mar 14, 2024 1:00 pm EDT

Value 3: Pursuing Truth and Reconciliation

This webinar discusses the principles of Truth and Reconciliation and examines how reconciliation is a reciprocal learning process based on respectful engagement in relationships. The webinar discusses social work profession’s acknowledgement of the history with Indigenous Peoples and authentic commitment to meaningful change in social work practice through respecting the rights and diversity of Indigenous people. The webinar discusses the responsibilities to advocate for systemic changes, and to respect local traditional values, customs, beliefs. The importance of respecting the knowledge of Elders and other Knowledge Keepers when practicing in Indigenous communities is highlighted.

Valeur 3 : Établir la vérité et la réconciliation

Ce webinaire se focalise sur les principes de vérité et réconciliation. Il examine comment la réconciliation s’appuie sur un apprentissage réciproque et un engagement respectueux dans les relations. Le webinaire reconnaît l’histoire du travail social auprès des peuples autochtones et s’engage à apporter un changement significatif dans cette pratique. Il respecte les droits et la diversité des peuples autochtones. Le webinaire aborde également la responsabilité de promouvoir des changements systémiques. Il souligne l’importance de respecter les valeurs traditionnelles, les coutumes et les croyances locales. Un accent particulier est mis sur la valeur de la connaissance des aînés et des gardiens du savoir en travaillant avec les communautés autochtones.
