Webinar event date: 
Nov 3, 2021 7:00 am EDT

Veuillez noter que ce webinaire se déroulera en anglais

In our presentation, we plan on introducing ourselves and our connection to children and youth in care. We will open our presentation with an exercise called “Your Inner Circle”. This is an interactive exercise where we will be asking the participants to identify people who are in their “Inner Circle” with four main questions and comparing those answers to the answers of a Youth in Care. This will highlight the extreme differences between a Youth in Cares “Inner Circle” and the participants “Inner Circle”. The objective is to create awareness and educate the participants on what it is like for a youth to grow up in the Provincial care system.

We will then transition into our second exercise called “Hard Talks”. The objective is to create awareness and educate the participants on the impact of living in the care system in New Brunswick. We will be presenting the information through two small skits that highlight older child adoption and the need for foster/adoptive homes.

Our hope is for the participants to see the value in collaborating with other community stakeholders to increase the awareness, supports, and education needed to allow each child and youth a successful transition into their healing journey. We want others to understand their own professional roles and the impact they can have on the children and youth and the benefits of being trauma-informed. 

Webinar Objectives
- To create awareness and educate participants on what it is like for a youth to grow up in care. 
- To highlight the ongoing importance and need for foster homes. 
- To encourage stakeholder collaboration to increase the awareness, supports, and education needed to best support children and youth. 
- To encourage participants to understand their professional roles, how they impact children and youth, and to encourage the use of trauma-informed practice.