Christophe Gauthier-Davies
Christophe Gauthier-Davies is in his final year of doctoral studies at the École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP). His thesis focuses on the judicialization of young people from care during their transition to adulthood. His work is part of the Étude sur le devenir des jeunes placés au Québec (EDJeP). Since January 2020, he has been at the heart of EDJeP's quantitative data collection, management and analysis.
Stéphane Girard
Stéphane Girard is a Ph.D candidate in public administration at the École Nationale d’Administration Publique (ÉNAP). The purpose of his thesis is to better understand educational supports provided by educators to young people in care.
Laurence Magnan-Tremblay
Laurence Magnan-Tremblay is a Ph.D candidate in psychoeducation at the University of Sherbrooke. Her dissertation mobilizes a contextual approach to better understand how care leavers cope with the challenges they face during their transition into adulthood.
Madeleine Prévost-Lemire
Madeleine Prévost-Lemire is a Ph.D candidate in psychoeducation at the University of Sherbrooke. Her thesis focuses on complex trauma and recovery among young mothers who received child protective services in their youth.