International Social Service Canada - Social work beyond borders
Webinar event date: 
Feb 9, 2024 6:00 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 
Sylvie J. Lapointe, MSW, Executive Director at ISS Canada

Sylvie J. Lapointe, MSW is an alumnus of the Université d ’Ottawa and is currently the Executive Director at ISS Canada, where she has been working for over 22 years.  She is also the vice-chair of the Professional Advisory Committee for the International Network of International Social Service.

Sylvie has a passion for her profession that is evident from the quality of work she expects from her colleagues in the office. Sylvie is familiar with laws and cultural factors that influence social work in other countries.

Sylvie is a strong advocate for Human and Child’s rights, the environment and social justice. She is passionate about her work, her team, and the ISS Network.


ISS Canada is a non-profit organization which mobilizes domestic and international networks of professionals to effectively connect individuals, children and families separated by international borders to access the services and supports they need. 

In this era, children and families are travelling or are being displaced more frequently than ever before. Immigration, voluntary moves or even seeking refuge and security, people are moving at rates that is unimaginable. This will affect people’s current lives and possibly their future. In turn this global trend will impact Canadian social workers and other professionals working with children and families. 

Everyday ISS Canada provides support and case management to professionals who are working with families and individuals that have links to other countries. ISS Canada and the ISS Network believe that every child and every individual have rights and we have to make sure that we play the role of advocate to seek what is in the best interest of the children.  

ISS Canada accesses its members of the Network that are located in over 120 countries in order to do social work worldwide.  At ISS Canada we provide Canadian professionals with the support they need to assist families and children.